Frequently Asked Questions

Quickly search our FAQ to find the answer to our most commonly asked questions so you can get back to language learning.

I have a code for a free trial, how can I use it?

If you’ve received a voucher code for a free trial with Lingvist, please follow the instructions below to redeem it.

  1. Visit our web application:
  2. Sign in to your Lingvist account or register if you don’t have one yet
  3. Click “Account” in the left menu bar
  4. Find “Subscription” just under the “Profile” tab
  5. Click “Subscribe to Lingvist”
  6. Click “Redeem it here”
  7. Enter your code and click “Apply”
  8. On the next page, you will see information about your subscription
  9. Click “Redeem”
  10. Your subscription is now active and you can start learning!

Lingvist free trial

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