Here is a list of family members in Spanish that you will find in our “Family” deck. Learn these Spanish words and more when you study with Lingvist.
SpanishEnglish |
esposawife | ¿Quién es tu esposa? – Esa, la de pelo corto. Who is your wife? – She's the one with short hair. |
hijoson | Mi hijo comienza el colegio mañana. My son is starting school tomorrow. |
hermanobrother | Mi hermano es estudiante en esta universidad. My brother is a student at this university. |
madremother | Vuestra madre es bella. Your mother is beautiful. |
abuelograndfather | Yo hablo italiano porque mi abuelo era italiano. I speak Italian because my grandfather was Italian. |
padrefather | ¿Cómo está tu padre? How is your father? |
esposohusband | A mi esposo le encanta pescar al amanecer. My husband loves to go fishing at dawn. |
nietograndson, grandchild | Nuestro nieto es nuestro pequeño rayo de sol. Our grandson is our little ray of sunshine. |
sobrinonephew | Mi sobrino es el más reciente campeón de España de patinaje. My nephew is the latest Spanish skating champion. |
maridohusband | ¡Tu marido es todo un caballero! Your husband is an absolute gentleman! |
mamámom | Mi mamá cocina estupendamente. My mom cooks marvellously. |
tíouncle | Si mi tío hubiera salido antes de casa, habríamos llegado a tiempo. If my uncle had left home earlier, we would have arrived on time. |
casadomarried | Mario ya lleva cinco años casado: hoy celebra su aniversario. Mario has been married for five years. Today is his anniversary. |
noviagirlfriend | Mi novia es mexicana y me ayuda a mejorar mi español. My girlfriend is Mexican, and she is helping me improve my Spanish. |
cuñadobrother-in-law | Mi cuñado es policía. My brother-in-law is a cop. |
suegramother-in-law | No creo que sea muy feliz viviendo con su suegra. I don't think she'll be happy living with her mother-in-law. |
papádad | Juan pasaba la semana con su papá y los fines de semana con su mamá. John spent the week with his dad and weekends with his mom. |
viudawidow | La viuda del general donó la casa a niños sin hogar. The widow of the general gave the house to the homeless children. |
familiafamily | Hay cinco niños en mi familia. There are five children in my family. |
primocousin | El príncipe Eduardo es primo de la reina. Prince Edward is a cousin of the Queen |
Spanish | English |
¿Quién es tu esposa? – Esa, la de pelo corto. |  wife
Who is your wife? – She's the one with short hair. |
Mi hijo comienza el colegio mañana. |  son
My son is starting school tomorrow. |
Mi hermano es estudiante en esta universidad. |  brother
My brother is a student at this university. |
Vuestra madre es bella. |  mother
Your mother is beautiful. |
Yo hablo italiano porque mi abuelo era italiano. |  grandfather
I speak Italian because my grandfather was Italian. |
¿Cómo está tu padre? |  father
How is your father? |
A mi esposo le encanta pescar al amanecer. |  husband
My husband loves to go fishing at dawn. |
Nuestro nieto es nuestro pequeño rayo de sol. |  grandson, grandchild
Our grandson is our little ray of sunshine. |
Mi sobrino es el más reciente campeón de España de patinaje. |  nephew
My nephew is the latest Spanish skating champion. |
¡Tu marido es todo un caballero! |  husband
Your husband is an absolute gentleman! |
Mi mamá cocina estupendamente. |  mom
My mom cooks marvellously. |
Si mi tío hubiera salido antes de casa, habríamos llegado a tiempo. |  uncle
If my uncle had left home earlier, we would have arrived on time. |
Mario ya lleva cinco años casado: hoy celebra su aniversario. |  married
Mario has been married for five years. Today is his anniversary. |
Mi novia es mexicana y me ayuda a mejorar mi español. |  girlfriend
My girlfriend is Mexican, and she is helping me improve my Spanish. |
Mi cuñado es policía. |  brother-in-law
My brother-in-law is a cop. |
No creo que sea muy feliz viviendo con su suegra. |  mother-in-law
I don't think she'll be happy living with her mother-in-law. |
Juan pasaba la semana con su papá y los fines de semana con su mamá. |  dad
John spent the week with his dad and weekends with his mom. |
La viuda del general donó la casa a niños sin hogar. |  widow
The widow of the general gave the house to the homeless children. |
Hay cinco niños en mi familia. |  family
There are five children in my family. |
El príncipe Eduardo es primo de la reina. |  cousin
Prince Edward is a cousin of the Queen |