Here is an example of what you will find in our “Body Parts in Spanish” deck. Get a free trial to use Lingvist and learn Spanish vocabulary faster than ever before!
SpanishEnglish |
piernaslegs | He corrido tanto que ya me duelen las piernas. I've been running for so long that my legs already hurt. |
cabezahead | Tienes un poco de sangre en la cabeza. You've got some blood on your head. |
rodillasknees | Pensar en besarte hace que me tiemblen las rodillas. The thought of kissing you makes me go weak at the knees. |
pechochest | Se llevó ambas manos al pecho para demostrarme su sinceridad. He put both hands on his chest to prove his honesty. |
nucaback of the neck | Él tiene ojos en la nuca. He has eyes at the back of his neck. |
espaldaback | Me duele la espalda. – Eso es porque no te sientas derecha. My back hurts. – That's because you're not sitting up straight. |
orejaear | Se apartó el pelo y dejó la oreja al descubierto. He swept his hair to the side to expose his ear. |
manoshands | Tus manos están tan calientes. Your hands are so warm. |
brazosarms | Cuando era pequeña mi padre siempre me llevaba en brazos a la cama. When I was a child, my father would always carry me to my bed in his arms. |
caderahip | Mi abuelo se resbaló en el baño y se rompió la cadera. My grandpa slipped in the bathroom and broke his hip. |
cuelloneck | Le duele el cuello porque está todo el día jugando con el móvil. His neck hurts because he spends all day playing with his mobile. |
torsotorso | Debes mantener el torso erguido para que no te duela la espalda. You must keep your torso straight so you don't hurt your back. |
costillasribs | En el cuerpo humano hay doce pares de costillas. There are twelve pairs of ribs in the human body. |
troncotrunk | El tronco (o torso) es una parte fundamental del cuerpo humano. The trunk – or torso – is a fundamental part of the human body. |
hombrosshoulders | Siéntese recto y relaje los hombros antes de empezar a estirar. Sit straight and relax your shoulders before you start stretching. |
mejillascheeks | Sus mejillas estaban rojas. Her cheeks were red. |
dedosfingers, toes | ¡Ten cuidado de no quemarte los dedos, por favor! Please be careful not to burn your fingers! |
cinturawaist | Ponte la cuerda alrededor de la cintura. Tie the rope around your waist. |
muslosthigh | Mientras ejercitas los brazos, los músculos de los muslos y las pantorrillas también trabajan. While you exercise your arms, your thigh and calf muscles are at work. |
bocamouth | Mario tiene la boca grande. Mario has got a big mouth |
Spanish | English |
He corrido tanto que ya me duelen las piernas. |  legs
I've been running for so long that my legs already hurt. |
Tienes un poco de sangre en la cabeza. |  head
You've got some blood on your head. |
Pensar en besarte hace que me tiemblen las rodillas. |  knees
The thought of kissing you makes me go weak at the knees. |
Se llevó ambas manos al pecho para demostrarme su sinceridad. |  chest
He put both hands on his chest to prove his honesty. |
Él tiene ojos en la nuca. |  back of the neck
He has eyes at the back of his neck. |
Me duele la espalda. – Eso es porque no te sientas derecha. |  back
My back hurts. – That's because you're not sitting up straight. |
Se apartó el pelo y dejó la oreja al descubierto. |  ear
He swept his hair to the side to expose his ear. |
Tus manos están tan calientes. |  hands
Your hands are so warm. |
Cuando era pequeña mi padre siempre me llevaba en brazos a la cama. |  arms
When I was a child, my father would always carry me to my bed in his arms. |
Mi abuelo se resbaló en el baño y se rompió la cadera. |  hip
My grandpa slipped in the bathroom and broke his hip. |
Le duele el cuello porque está todo el día jugando con el móvil. |  neck
His neck hurts because he spends all day playing with his mobile. |
Debes mantener el torso erguido para que no te duela la espalda. |  torso
You must keep your torso straight so you don't hurt your back. |
En el cuerpo humano hay doce pares de costillas. |  ribs
There are twelve pairs of ribs in the human body. |
El tronco (o torso) es una parte fundamental del cuerpo humano. |  trunk
The trunk – or torso – is a fundamental part of the human body. |
Siéntese recto y relaje los hombros antes de empezar a estirar. |  shoulders
Sit straight and relax your shoulders before you start stretching. |
Sus mejillas estaban rojas. |  cheeks
Her cheeks were red. |
¡Ten cuidado de no quemarte los dedos, por favor! |  fingers, toes
Please be careful not to burn your fingers! |
Ponte la cuerda alrededor de la cintura. |  waist
Tie the rope around your waist. |
Mientras ejercitas los brazos, los músculos de los muslos y las pantorrillas también trabajan. |  thigh
While you exercise your arms, your thigh and calf muscles are at work. |
Mario tiene la boca grande. |  mouth
Mario has got a big mouth |