How a French Teacher Uses Lingvist in the Classroom
by Alejandra Fonseca De Franco |
Jan 31, 2024
| Case-studies
Sara works as a French language teacher at Desert Ridge High School in the United States. She has been using Lingvist to complement her French classes since 2018 and says that her students are “learning tons of vocabulary very quickly.”

Lingvist users rate their learning experience
by Marie-Luise |
Oct 2, 2019
| Case-studies
Marie-Luise was assigned the task of evaluating an online learning environment, which turned out to be the perfect opportunity to find out what users think about Lingvist.

Mein Nerdy Hobby
by Cyrus Numati |
Jul 31, 2019
| Case-studies
Read about how Lingvist opened up German for Cyrus, one of our learners who has seen all of the German words Lingvist currently has to offer!