France24 Free 24 Hour News Service
by Saoirse A. |
Nov 12, 2016
| Learn-french
Learn about France24, an amazing resource if you are learning French!

Upcoming Language Pairs
by Jen |
Oct 26, 2016
| New
Lingvist is in the middle of some really exciting developments. Here is our an update about new language pairsfor 2017!

Machine Learning Secret to Mastering Languages?
Oct 26, 2016
| Science
Type “how to learn a language” into a search bar on any popular search engine, and the next suggested word...

Verb Conjugator Resources
by Hilary |
Oct 15, 2016
| Learn
Having trouble learning how to conjugate verbs? Check out our resources of verb conjugators in multiple languages, French, Spanish, German and Russian!

Cyrillic Learning Resources
by Jen and Dan |
Oct 15, 2016
| Learn-russian
Want to study Russian or another Cyrillic-based language, but need to learn the alphabet? Here's a list of sources where you can find the basics and more on learning the Cyrillic (Russian) alphabet.

On Answering the Call to Learn a Language
Sep 26, 2016
| Learn
The European Council, comprised of 47 member states, is celebrating its 2016 European Day of Languages (or EDL) on September...

4 Tips to Learning French in Record Time
Dec 22, 2015
| Learn-french
Do you feel overwhelmed learning French? Perhaps you even had a minor anxiety attack? We've all been there.

Learning with Lingvist in 10 GIFS
Oct 19, 2015
| Learn
Because one gif is worth ten thousand words, we figured out it was the easiest way to summarize the Lingvist experience!

10 Local Sayings from French-Speaking Countries
Sep 14, 2015
| Learn-french
French speakers often use proverbs, sayings and expressions in the everyday's life. To make sure you don't get lost in translation, here is a selection of some local idioms from French speaking areas!

The Lingvist Mobile App Is Here!
Jun 1, 2015
| New
Today is a very special day for us at Lingvist. We’re excited to announce that we’ve just released the Lingvist mobile app for both iOS and Android.

Do You Know These 10 “New” French Words?
Apr 23, 2015
| Learn-french
We have prepared a short compilation of the new “official” words in French, which have been added to dictionaries over the last few years, along with their meanings!

5 Mistakes French People Always Make
Mar 30, 2015
| Learn-french
You may have been learning French for a few weeks now. Or maybe you are just planning to start. Either way, you might be afraid of practicing your speaking skills; afraid of making mistakes.

It’s Francophonie Day !
Mar 20, 2015
| Learn-french
Today, on March 20, is the official International Francophonie Day. It should be easy to find various events to learn more about the French culture or exchange thoughts with French speakers.

Learn 1000 French Words in Just 14 Hours
Mar 9, 2015
| Learn-french
In December we asked an unsuspecting member of the public, Kristel, 28, to try out Lingvist for 2 weeks and tell us how it improved her French. The results were breathtaking.

Day 14: French Experiment Done!
Dec 16, 2014
| Learn-french
Kristel has finished her 14 day French experiement with Lingvist. Find out more about her experience!

Tips from TED Translators
Dec 4, 2014
| Learn
We discovered a good article on TED Blogs, sharing tips for language learning from people who operate in 2 or more languages every day - translators.

What to Expect from Lingvist Beta
Oct 12, 2014
| New
You can expect to learn up to 5000 words on our English-French module, making it roughly equivalent to a B2 level speaker.