Russian Movies for Learning the Language
by Olga Ivanova |
Mar 8, 2023
| Learn-russian
Find out why learning Russian by watching movies is easy and fun, as well as which ones are the best for learning the language!

Breaking down global language barriers
by Raconteur |
Mar 5, 2023
Globalisation has given companies distributed teams, new opportunities to expand or sell abroad, and access to the best talent anywhere. Is it about time the C-suite embraced language learning?

Read and Understand Don Quixote in Spanish
by Daniela Bárcenas |
Mar 1, 2023
| Learn-spanish
We created a very helpful list of phrases to analyze Don Quixote in Spanish that will help your reading become lighter and more enjoyable.

Discover French Dialects Throughout the World
by Michelle Baumgartner |
Feb 28, 2023
| Learn-french
French dialects show the diversity of French as a global language, connecting people and ideas from many countries and cultures.

What did we do in 2022?
by The Lingvist team |
Feb 8, 2023
| New
Here’s a quick summary of all the changes we made in 2022 to support your learning.

The Best German Books Based on Your Vocabulary | Lingvist
by Olga Ivanova |
Feb 8, 2023
| Learn-german
Lingvist uses special technology to assess your vocabulary. Find out the best German books that you can read based on your Lingvist vocabulary estimate!

8 of the best films to improve your French
by Michelle Baumgartner |
Jan 18, 2023
| Learn-french
Become more fluent in French with some of the best films in French from around the world. Get the popcorn ready and enjoy!

Explore English Variations Across the Planet
by Michelle Baumgartner |
Nov 16, 2022
| Learn
English mixes with diverse cultures in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas, with variations that enrich it as a native language and lingua franca.

New Spanish words to add to your vocabulary
by Daniela Bárcenas |
Nov 16, 2022
| Learn-spanish
Studying a language is a never-ending story. The RAE is always adding new words to the dictionary – you can learn about the latest additions here.

Best YouTube Channels for Learning German
by Olga Ivanova |
Nov 16, 2022
Whether you are a beginner or an expert German learner, there is something for you on YouTube. To help you navigate the vast seas of video content, we have found the best YouTube channels for learning German.

10 Untranslatable German Words
by Olga Ivanova |
Oct 26, 2022
| Learn-german
The next time you are struggling to express yourself in English and can’t find the right word, think in German for a change. In this article, you will find some perfectly beautiful, untranslatable German words.

Swiss German Phrases and Slang
by Olga Ivanova |
Oct 26, 2022
| Learn-german
Whether you are going to Switzerland for work or leisure, you absolutely need to know these unique Swiss German phrases and slang expressions that are largely different from Standard German.

How Learning a Language Changes Depending on Your Age
by Joe Fitzpatrick |
Oct 26, 2022
| Learn
Is learning a new language more difficult with age? There are advantages and disadvantages to kicking off the process in different phases of life: starting earlier can raise the bar on how good you can get, but it's always possible to learn new languages as you get older.

How to Navigate Different German Dialects
by Olga Ivanova |
Oct 26, 2022
| Learn-german
When you study German in an academic setting, you typically study Standard German. But just like any other language, German has many dialects. This article will explore the diverse German language and how to navigate its different dialects.

Learn How To Talk Business with German Magazines and Newspapers
by Olga Ivanova |
Oct 26, 2022
| Learn-german
If you work for or plan to work for a German-speaking company, you can’t do without business vocabulary. Already taking a relevant language course? Great, but Germany is blessed with top-quality business magazines and newspapers!

The benefits of foreign languages in your company’s L&D program
by Joe Fitzpatrick |
Sep 29, 2022
Foreign languages can be an enormous competitive advantage for your company. If you're not yet convinced, here are four reasons why they should be at the heart of your L&D program.

Positive Idioms in German
by Olga Ivanova |
Sep 21, 2022
You may find idioms difficult to learn and use, but they are an inescapable aspect of learning a new language. German idioms are no piece of cake, but learning them is well worth the effort. We will focus on positive idioms in German.

Learn German Through Sports
by Olga Ivanova |
Sep 21, 2022
| Learn-german
It may not appear obvious that watching or playing sports can help you learn a language, but if you look a little closer, you will discover similarities that can be used to the advantage of both. Let’s explore learning German through sports!

12 Language Immersion Challenges at 3 Different Levels
by Joe Fitzpatrick |
Sep 21, 2022
The best way to learn a language is to jump straight into situations where you have to perform. These challenges will help you get out of your comfort zone!

Untranslatable Words from Around the World
by Michelle Baumgartner |
Sep 21, 2022
Hard-to-translate words come from many languages, concisely expressing feelings and ideas while giving us new ways to think about the world.

The origins of the German language
by Olga Ivanova |
Sep 21, 2022
| Learn-german
A lot happened before German took its modern shape, still continuing to evolve today. This article offers a look at where modern German came from and how it has changed over time.